Monday, August 2, 2010

Prepping for a Marathon

Now that I've plunged headlong into Shop Your Closet, I realize I need to prepare for these five months. Hello, Earth to Laura! Preparing usually takes place BEFORE the event.

Nevertheless, yesterday I ...

1. Deplaned from those five billion retail emails that fly into my inbox daily. NOT helpful ... must resist temptation! I did keep Ideeli, and Bloomie's. If Ideeli has a fire sale of Marc Jacobs dresses for 75% off, I am toast!

2. Found my large blank sketchbook. This will be my "dream" book and whenever I see something I cannot live without, I will rip the page out of the magazine or print it from the website and paste it in here.

3. Planned a prize for the end of the marathon, totally stealing Taylor's idea over at YLF. My prize? A ticket to NYC to stay with girlfriends and shop the sales. January = Cheap airfare! Cheap clothing! Cheap, normally expensive, restaurants with available tables!

4. Started de-cluttering my closet. Have a sinking feeling it may be photographed for the magazine at some point. I want to slowly go through my house, decluttering room by room.

5. Thought about the eating and shopping connection. I am trying to eat and drink less. Sort of a cleansing process!

Did you do anything to prepare for the next five months? Is there anything you wish you would have bought or done before we started?


  1. Getting rid of the coupons is a brilliant start. Mine all go to my junk box so if I do want to buy, I can skim through and grab the newest, but even that seems like too much sometimes!

    Decluttering is a great idea. I follow a terrific blog about it: Check it out!

  2. Thank you Kristen! I added the Unclutterer to my Google reader. Ah, everything neat and tiday and pared down ... that site is eye candy for declutterers like myself.
